- P-2
香月 康宏(鳥取大学大学院医学系研究科)
Generation of humanized CYP3A rat using mouse artificial chromosome and genome editing for prediction of xenobiotic metabolism in humans
- P-5
中野 正隆(金沢医科大学医薬保健研究域薬学系)
Effects of RNA editing on dihydrofolate reductase expression in breast cancer - P-7
薄田 健史(千葉大学大学院薬学研究院生物薬剤学研究室)
Evaluation of the immune-mediated idiosyncratic drug toxicity using chimeric hla transgenic mice - P-9
大庭 悠里(金沢大学医薬保健研究域 薬学系)
Identification of endogenous OCTN1 substrates by transporter/structure selective-metabolome approach
- P-10
稲垣 舞(慶應義塾大学薬学部)
Role of prostaglandin transporter for PGE2 degradation in the murine placental spongiotrophoblasts - P-11
三宅 健之(東京大学大学院薬学系研究科分子薬物動態学教室)
Organic cation transporter (OTC) is responsible for the renal influx and clearance of trimethylamine N-oxide(TMAO)