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Withdrawal Procedure

The Society will not be able to cancel your membership even if you apply for withdrawal if you have unpaid dues. If you wish to withdraw from the membership, please be sure to pay the membership fee for the current fiscal year. (The annual membership period of the Society is from September 1 to August 31.)

If you wish to withdraw from the next fiscal year, please pay the membership fee in full in the last month of the previous fiscal year at the latest and send an e-mail to the secretariat with your intention to withdraw from membership.

Fiscal year 2021 (September 1, 2020 – August 31, 2021)
Fiscal year 2022 (September 1, 2021 – August 31, 2022)
Fiscal year 2023 (September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023)

To apply for membership withdrawal, please log in to the ” Members Only” page after paying the annual membership fee for the relevant fiscal year, and select [Withdrawal Procedure] from the members menu on the left side of the page. Click here for the withdrawal procedure.
We will send you a notice of the completion of the withdrawal process at the end of each month.
Please be aware that you may receive an email from the society for a while after you withdraw from membership.

We will not be able to process your withdrawal if you have unpaid dues. Please make sure to pay the membership fee for the current year (see above) before proceeding.

Alternatively, please send an e-mail to with the following information. Please note that there is no fixed format.

Subject: “Cancellation of membership

  1. Your name
  2. Membership number (date of birth if unknown)
  3. Contact e-mail address
  4. Desired year of withdrawal
  5. Reason for withdrawal

The secretariat will contact you if there are any unpaid dues.


Please note that DMPK, the journal of the Society, has been completely digitized since 2015, and no printed copies are sent. The newsletter is also fully electronic.

Article on DMPK digitization