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Recipients of Academic Awards and Other Prizes in 2009

 The following awards and honors have been selected based on the rules and regulations of the Japanese Pharmacokinetics Society and the Selection Rules for the Society Awards.

 As there were no applications for the Distinguished Service Award, it was decided that there would be no review.

 The award lecture and award ceremony will be held at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (JSPS) in Kyoto on November 28, 2009.

Society Award

Takeshi Yokoi ( Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kanazawa University)

Title of Research: “Studies on Detoxification and Activation Functions of Drug Metabolizing Enzymes and Analysis of their Variable Factors

Kitagawa Award

Masaku Naito ( Basic Evaluation Research Department, Research and Development Center, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory Co.)

Title of Research: ” In vitro Pharmacokinetic Studies Using Cultured Cell Systems

Encouragement Award

Yoshiro Saito ( Department of Functional Biochemistry, National Institute of Health Sciences)

Title of Research: “Research on accumulation and application of pharmacogenomics information for clinical application

Kazuya Maeda ( Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)

Title of Research: “Elucidation of Contribution Ratio of Transporters Governing Hepatobiliary Transport of Drugs and Quantitative Prediction of Pharmacokinetic Variability by Gene Polymorphisms and Drug-Drug Interactions

Koichi Yoshinari ( Department of Pharmacokinetics, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University)

Title: “Studies on the Role of Drug-Responsive Transcription Factors in the Regulation of Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Expression

(in alphabetical order)