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DMPK Awards

Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (DMPK), the official journal of JSSX, has 3 awards.

  1. The DMPK Award for the Most Frequently Downloaded Article in 202X will be awarded to the authors of the most frequently downloaded review article or original article within 12 months since it has been posted on DMPK website.
  2. The DMPK Award for the Most Frequently Cited Review Article in 202X will be awarded to the authors of the most frequently cited (ISI data) review article or original article in the 5 years after it has been published (Starting from the year of publication to August of the fifth year after publication).
  3. The DMPK Editors’ Award for the Most Excellent Article in 202X will be awarded to the authors of the best article published in the year, as selected by the editors.

A plaque and a testimonial will be presented to all authors of the best articles for each award.  The title and the authors of the top three articles, which were most frequently downloaded within 12 months or cited in 5 years, and those of the most excellent article selected by the editors will be posted on the homepage to honor their efforts.