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  • > Nominations are now being accepted for the JSHSS Awards, Encouragement Awards, Drug Discovery Contribution/Kitagawa Award, Drug Discovery Contribution/Encouragement Award, and Distinguished Service Award for FY2022. (Deadline: Friday, May 6, 2022)

Nominations are now being accepted for the JSHSS Awards, Encouragement Awards, Drug Discovery Contribution/Kitagawa Award, Drug Discovery Contribution/Encouragement Award, and Distinguished Service Award for FY2022. (Deadline: Friday, May 6, 2022)

Nominations are now being accepted for the JSHSS Awards, Encouragement Awards, Drug Discovery Contribution/Kitagawa Award, Drug Discovery Contribution/Encouragement Award, and Distinguished Service Award for FY2022. (Deadline: Friday, May 6, 2022)

The nominee must be a delegate of the Society and the nominee must have been a member of the Society for 3-10 years, depending on the award. For detailed application guidelines and nomination documents, please click here.
The recipient of the award will be invited to deliver the award lecture at the 37th Annual Meeting (November 7-10, 2022, Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center).