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Representative Sponsor Yoshiyuki Shirasaka
Caretaker Yuki Yamaura
Caretaker Naomi Wakayama
Caretaker Yuji Sakurai
Caretaker Toshimichi Nakamura
Caretaker Toshihide Takagi
Caretaker Atsushi Uebayashi
Caretaker Yoshihiro Miyaji
Caretaker Masayoshi Sato
Caretaker Yoshihisa Shitara


 Even though biopharmaceuticals, including antibody drugs, and new drug discovery modalities that surpass them are attracting attention these days, oral drugs still enjoy a strong reputation for their overwhelming convenience, and in fact account for more than 70% of global pharmaceutical sales. In addition, transmucosal absorption routes other than oral (e.g., transpulmonary, nasal, and transdermal) are also gaining renewed prominence, and it is expected that these transmucosal absorption products will continue to be supplied to patients as drugs with superior convenience, safety, and cost performance in the future. In this DIS, we will develop innovative discussions on the fluctuation, control, improvement, prediction, and evaluation of “absorption kinetics” of drugs and bioactive substances (biological substances, nutrients, etc.) by integrating pharmacokinetics and other fields (pharmacology, physiology, anatomy, etc.), and contribute to drug discovery (drug development) and clinical practice (proper use of drugs). The program provides cutting-edge knowledge that contributes to drug discovery (drug development) and clinical practice (proper use of drugs), as well as new innovations for the future.