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Committee meetings in 2014 and 2015

  1. General Affairs Committee
  2. DMPK Editorial Committee
  3. DMPK Activation Committee
  4. International Relations Committee
  5. Committee for the Revitalization of Academic Activities
  6. DIS Committee
  7. NL Editorial Committee
  8. Finance Committee
  9. Web and Public Relations Committee

General Affairs Committee

Committee Chairman Yoshiro Saito National Institute of Health Sciences
Vice-Chairman Shinichi Miura Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited
Committee Member Akinari Ito Chiba University
Committee Member Kazuhide Iwasaki (Shinnihon Kagaku Co.
Committee Member Eiji Kashiyama Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co.
Committee Member Miki Shimada Tottori University Hospital
Committee Member Katsunori Nakamura Nagoya City University
Committee Member Nobumitsu Hanioka Yokohama College of Pharmacy


The main role of the General Affairs Committee is to plan and formulate policies for the proper and smooth management of the entire society. For this purpose, for example, the committee reviews and revises the constitution and bylaws, which should be called the framework of the society’s organizational management, as appropriate. In addition, policies will be formulated in cooperation with other committees in order to revitalize the entire association. Preliminary screening of candidates for new trustees and honorary members is also one of the matters under its jurisdiction.


  1. Review and, if necessary, revise the Constitution and Bylaws
  2. Nomination requirements for new trustees
  3. Honorary member selection process
  4. How director elections should be conducted

2. DMPK Editorial Committee

Committee Chair Hiroshi Yamazaki Showa Pharmaceutical University
Vice-Chairman Masakiyo Hosokawa Chiba University of Science
Committee Member Takashi Izumi Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited
Committee Member Prize Hiko Tanigawa Bayer Yakuhin K.K.
Committee Member Yoshiharu Deguchi Teikyo University
Committee Member Masahiro Tougane Nagoya City University Graduate School
Committee Member Yoichi Naritomi Astellas Pharma Inc.
Committee Member Hideki Hirabayashi Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
Committee Member Young-Jin Chun Chung-Aug University
Committee Member Suk-Jae Chung Seoul National University
Committee Member Jin-Ding Huang National Cheng Kung University
Commissioner John Miners Flinders University, Australia


To publish high quality research articles on a regular basis, to reaffirm the scientific direction of DMPK and to elevate the journal’s position in the field of pharmacokinetics research, and to enhance its value as a journal that supports research reports by members of the Japanese Society of Pharmacokinetics. To increase the journal’s value as a journal that supports the research reports of members of the Japanese Society of Pharmacokinetics. By making the journal more attractive to researchers outside of Japan, we will help increase the number of members of the Japanese Society of Pharmacokinetics and the number of participants in the annual meetings, thereby contributing to the establishment of the journal as an international journal and society.


  1. Accurate and prompt review of submitted papers
  2. Selection and publication of the Best Paper Award selected by the editorial board members
  3. Selection and publication of the Best Citation
  4. Selection and publication of the best downloaded paper
  5. Publication of review articles on topical research
  6. Revision of submission rules as appropriate
  7. Promotion of DMPK to researchers and research institutions in Japan and abroad
  8. Improvement of DMPK journal editorial procedures, writing and publication methods (e.g., introduction of page limits)

3. DMPK Revitalization Committee

Chairperson Shogo Ozawa Iwate Medical University
Committee member Yuji Ishii Kyushu University
Committee Member Koichi Yoshinari Tohoku University
Committee Member Kenichiro Ogura Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences


To establish its status as an international journal and to enhance its value as a journal that supports research reports by members of the Japanese Pharmacokinetics Society. Also, to support smooth submission and editing of papers.

Planned Activities

  1. In close contact with the Editorial Board, review the submission system from submission to publication, English editing, and editing methods, and enhance the system.

  2. Consideration will be given to the formulation of a code of ethics for submissions.

  3. To plan and edit the theme issue.

International Affairs Committee

Chairperson Hiroyuki Kusuhara The University of Tokyo
Vice-Chairman Koji Chiba Yokohama College of Pharmacy
Committee Member Sumio Otsuki Kumamoto University
Committee Member Emi Nakajima Keio University
Committee Member Takeo Nakanishi Kanazawa University
Committee Member Kazuya Maeda The University of Tokyo


  1. Improvement of the overall level of the society through further internationalization of JSSX
  2. Development of pharmacokinetics in cooperation with ISSX


  1. Nomination of overseas researchers as JSSX fellow
  2. Activation through cooperation with ISSX officers
  3. Support for the 2014 Japan-U.S. Joint Annual Meeting

5. Committee for the Revitalization of Society Activities

Chairperson Ichiro Ieiri Kyushu University
Committee Member Motohiro Kato Chugai Pharmaceutical Co.
Committee Member Junichi Kawakami Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Committee Member Ikumi Tamai Kanazawa University
Committee Member Mikio Tomita Tohoku Pharmaceutical University
Committee Member Tetsunobu Hamada National Cancer Center Research Institute
Committee Member Takuya Fujita Ritsumeikan University
Committee Member Tomosato Masuda Kyushu University Hospital
Committee Member Shinji Yamashita Setsunan University


With the aim of “creating an attractive academic society,” this committee has been working on new activities such as holding drug discovery symposia and round table discussions at the annual meeting, while promoting the revitalization of academic activities mainly in the area of drug discovery. The main role of this committee is to continue these efforts, and to plan and propose activities to raise awareness and promote pharmacokinetic research in the areas of drug discovery, drug development, and clinical research in cooperation with the related committees of the society, thereby revitalizing the society. In particular, the committee aims to further clarify the importance of pharmacokinetic theory and practice in drug discovery and development research as well as in drug development and clinical research, including individual dosage design, and to actively promote the activities of the society to researchers in industry and government, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals, and to provide useful information feedback for practical application in each field.


(1) Planning and promotion of plans to revitalize the areas of drug development and clinical research

1-1. Planning and organizing symposiums and sessions related to drug development and clinical research at the annual meeting
1-2. Planning and proposal of collaboration with other academic societies in the field of drug development and clinical research

(2) Promotion of business activities centered on young researchers

2-1. Discussion on future development of pharmacokinetic research
2-2. Discussion of business activities in collaboration with NL Committee, Web Committee, etc.
Listening to and analyzing proposals, opinions, etc. from members and making plans and proposals
2-4. Planning and proposal of Meet The Prof. at the annual meeting

(3) Other Business Activity Plans

3-1. Raise awareness of and take measures to encourage participation and presentation activities at academic conferences for sixth-year pharmacy students
3-2. Educational activities for pharmacists and other healthcare-related researchers, etc.

6. DIS Committee

Committee Chairman Takashi Izumi Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited
Vice-Chairman Takeshi Yokoi Nagoya University University
Committee Member Masahiro Uto (Shinnihon Kagaku Co.
Committee Member Yoshinari Kawai Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited
Committee Member Hideyuki Saito Kumamoto University
Committee Member Eiichi Fuse Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co.
Committee Member Shun Mizuma Matsuyama University



7. NL Editorial Committee

Committee Chairman Tamihide Matsunaga Nagoya City University
Committee Member Etsuhisa Shitara Meiji Seika Pharma Co.
Committee Member Daisuke Nakai Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited
Committee Member Tomomi Furihata Chiba University
Committee Member Kyoko Maekawa National Institute of Health Sciences
Committee Member Hiroshi Mizuuchi Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation


To provide information on the activities of the Society and trends in pharmacokinetics and related fields. To serve as a record keeper as well as an information service for members. As part of this, we will consider publishing articles in book form. In view of the spread of electronic media, the NL will also consider collaboration for the prompt and effective provision of information.


  1. Regular publication of NL
    • Planning, drafting, and publication of serialized articles, etc.
    • Collection and publication of information on activities and trends related to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
  2. Cooperation with electronic media (home page, news mail)
    • Consideration of online archiving of articles in series, etc.
    • Consideration of prompt and effective provision of other information
  3. Publication of books on pharmacokinetics and related fields
    • Consideration of publication of NL articles in book form

Finance Committee

Chairperson Toshiya Moriwaki Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
Vice-Chairman Yoshinobu Yoshimura Kyoto Pharmaceutical Industry Co.
Committee Member Kiyomi Ito Musashino University


This committee is responsible for drafting the general account budget, monitoring budget execution, reporting on interim financial results, and drafting a report on the general account financial results for the current fiscal year.
It also manages the General Account Special Fund and Workshop Account Special Fund.
Submit and report to the Board of Directors, as appropriate, necessary materials such as various accounting reports, balance sheets, inventory of assets, financial statements, etc., and obtain necessary approvals.
Report and obtain approval of the financial statements, including the draft general account settlement report for the previous year, and the draft general account income and expenditure budget for the next year at the Board of Trustees and the General Assembly.


  1. Verification of the draft financial statements and recommendations for revision
  2. Drafting of the general accounting budget
  3. Grasping and orienting the monthly trends of the general account
  4. Response to audits
  5. Recommendations for financial results and budget, including workshop income and expenditure, short course income and expenditure, etc.
  6. Confirmation of membership fee payments and recommendations for collection methods
  7. Recommendations for expenditure control
  8. Stabilize finances by increasing new members (including student members)
  9. Financial stabilization by ensuring that existing members do not leave the Society
  10. Review of financial management methods for the journal
  11. Review of financial management methods for conference posters, abstracts, etc.
  12. Review of financial management methods for honorary members, fellows, etc.
  13. Review of financial operations for non-paying members
  14. Review of various conference participation fees and financial management methods
  15. Improvement of the website to stabilize finances, etc.

Web and Public Relations Committee

Chairperson Masao Kato Kanazawa University
Committee Member Shinichi Ikushiro Biotechnology Research Center, Faculty of Engineering, Toyama Prefectural University
Committee Member Toshiyuki Kimura Hokuriku University
Committee Member Ryuhei Takada The University of Tokyo Hospital
Committee Member Kenichi Fujita Showa University
Committee Member Masashi Yabuki Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Co.
Committee Member Tomiyoshi Yamashita Kyoto University


To disseminate information via the web in order to widely and promptly inform society of the role and activities of the Society. Furthermore, to enhance member services via the web for the convenience of members.


Survey public relations activities conducted by domestic and foreign societies and organizations related to pharmacy and medicine via the Web. With reference to these activities, consider how to disseminate information about the Society’s activities via the Web in order to increase awareness of the Society. We will attempt to build up a substantial web content in organic cooperation with other committees. Furthermore, in cooperation with the secretariat, we will enhance the members-only contents on the “members-only homepage”. We will also aim to disseminate information on the website to effectively inform the public about the activities of the society.