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Bylaws on Membership and Leave of Absence and Notification of Overseas Residency

1-5) Detailed Regulations Concerning Qualifications for Regular Members and Student Members

Article 1.

Regular members and student members must pay the membership fee within one month of the start of each new fiscal year. If a member fails to pay the fee within one month, the member will be disqualified from viewing the members-only website and the journal (Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics) and will be sent a reminder letter for the payment of the membership fee. The member will be sent a reminder letter for the payment of the membership fee. In addition, participation in the annual meeting and workshops will be treated as non-membership. However, upon payment of the membership fee for the current year, the member shall be qualified to read the journal and shall be treated as a member.

Article 2.

As stipulated in Article 12 (3) of the Constitution, regular members and student members who fail to pay the membership fee for three years will be expelled from the Society and forfeit their membership.

Article 3.

When a former member who has been expelled from membership wishes to reapply for membership, he/she shall be required to pay the membership fee for the relevant period and any delinquent dues, as well as submit a written recommendation from a delegate and a statement of reasons for reapplying for membership. Re-admission shall be discussed and approved by the Board of Directors.

Article 4.

As stipulated in Article 11 of the Constitution, those whose expulsion from membership is voted on at the annual general meeting shall lose their membership. Former members who have been expelled may not reapply for membership.

Article 5.

Other special measures, if required, shall be discussed separately by the Board of Directors.

1-6) Detailed Regulations Concerning Suspension of Membership and Notification of Overseas Residency for Regular Members and Student Members

Article 1.

As stipulated in Article 8 of the Constitution, a two-year leave of absence shall be granted in the case of “study abroad,” “overseas service,” “long-term medical treatment,” or “maternity or childcare leave. The applicant shall submit the “Leave of Absence Notification” form, which is separately stipulated, to the Secretariat in advance and report it to the General Affairs Committee. However, leave of absence for delegates shall not be granted.

Article 2.

The payment of membership fee shall be exempted during the period of self-suspension. When an applicant wishes to cancel the membership, he/she shall submit a “Notice of Reinstatement” to the Secretariat.

Article 3.

During the period of self-suspension, the members shall be treated as “non-members” and shall not be allowed to read the journal. Participation in the annual meeting and workshops shall also be treated as “non-members. The period of absence shall not be considered as a period of membership when applying for delegate and society awards.

Article 4.

If a member residing overseas for study or work submits the “Notification of Overseas Residency” and pays the membership fee, the member’s membership status shall continue during the period of absence. The “Notification of Overseas Residency” shall be handled by the Secretariat and reported to the General Affairs Committee.

Article 5.

Any other special measures that may be required shall be separately discussed by the General Affairs Committee.