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Greetings from the Editor-in-Chief of the 3rd Newsletter (Hiroaki Yuasa)

Nagoya City University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Hiroaki Yuasa

Newsletter Editorial Board

Front row, from left: Hiroaki Yuasa (Nagoya City University, Chair), Tamihide Matsunaga (Nagoya City University)
Hiroaki Yuasa (Nagoya City University, Chairman), Tamihide Matsunaga (Nagoya City University)
Back row, from left
Masaaki Miyake (Otsuka Pharmaceutical), Etsuhisa Shitara (Chiba University)

I have been serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the Newsletter of the Japanese Pharmacokinetic Society since 2010. In 2002, the Journal of the Japanese Pharmacokinetics Society changed its name from the Japanese journal “Pharmacokinetics” to the English journal “Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (DMPK)”, and this newsletter was published (together with the DMPK journal) as a service to provide information on society activities and academic trends to our members. The newsletter was launched by the first committee (chaired by Dr. Tamai) and developed by the second committee (chaired by Dr. Yamazaki), and it has been eight years in 2009. The third committee, which succeeded the first committee (chaired by Dr. Etsuhisa Shitara (Chiba University), Dr. Tamihide Matsunaga (Nagoya City University), and Dr. Masaaki Miyake (Otsuka Pharmaceutical), joined the committee to further enhance the newsletter.

The contents of the newsletter cover a wide range of topics. The provision of information on society activities, such as meeting announcements and information and reports from the society headquarters, is the basic role of the newsletter, which succeeded the information and reports section of its predecessor, the Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. The intention and achievement of the newsletter as more than a medium for providing such information can be seen first of all in the various projects and series of articles that report on academic trends related to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. The “Lecture Notes” and “Experimental Methods Series” are typical examples. These have become established as representative of the Newsletter and are well known and utilized by our members. Although we have already covered all of these topics, we would like to continue to provide information that responds to ever-evolving scientific trends by planning and publishing a new series of articles. Next, articles reporting on the daily activities of our members are also an essential component of the newsletter. Typical examples are “Admecircle” and “Conference Participation Reports. These articles serve as a place to share knowledge by introducing various experiences and ideas among members. They also serve to enhance a sense of closeness and solidarity among the members, which in turn leads to more active activities of the Society. In particular, “Admecircle,” in which members talk freely in a relay format, is a series of articles that truly expands the circle of members. We would like to expand this series so that the circle of members who are active in various fields will grow even larger. In addition to the above, the newsletter has been enriched by a variety of projects and short series in response to developments in the field of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. We hope to continue to provide a variety of timely projects in the future.

In addition to the content of articles, the speed and efficiency of information provision is also an important element required for the newsletter, and while the PDF version of the newsletter is now available on our website, we will continue to work on the linkage with electronic media (website, e-mail, etc.) that have become popular and established in order to achieve even greater speed and efficiency. We will continue to work on the linkage with other electronic media (homepage, e-mail, etc.) that have become popular and established in the industry.

The cooperation of our members is indispensable for the production of this newsletter. We have received contributions from many members in the past, and we would like to ask for their continued cooperation in the creation of the newsletter. We also welcome ideas, opinions, and news information on projects and serials. We hope that you will enjoy this newsletter as it is a newsletter that walks together with our members, and that it will be useful for further activation of the Society’s activities and development of the Society. Thank you very much for your cooperation.